Susan Sontag in her essay „The esthetics of silence” writes:
„Silence exists as a decision (...) But silence can’t exist in a literal sense as the experience
of an audience. It would mean that the spectator was aware of no stimulus or that
he was unable to make a response. (...) Nor can silence, in its literal state, exist as the
property of an art work.
“Silence” never ceases to imply its opposite and to demand on its presence. Just as there
can’t be “up” without “down” or “left” without “right,” so one must acknowledge a
surrounding environment of sound or language in order to recognize silence. Not only
silence exist in a world full of speech and other sounds, but any given silence takes its
identity as a stretch of time being perforated by sound.
A genuine emptiness, a pure silence, are not feasible — either conceptually or in fact.
Silence remains, inescapably, a form of speech (in many instances, of complaint or
indictment) and an element in a dialogue.
The art of our time is noisy with appeals for silence.”
Dane techniczne:
praca jest mulitiplikacją słowa „cisza” – nadrukowane obustronnie na papierze, potem
podarte na około 20-sto centymetrowe kawałki, tworzą stos.
Wymiary: cały stos ma wymiar około 150 cm na 150 cm na 100 cm
Umiejscowienie: może być dowolne
– zarówno pod ścianą (najlepiej w rogu na złączeniu
2 ścian lub w jakieś niszy, za załomem) jak i w „otwartej przestrzeni” pomieszczenia
Technika: xero
Rok powstania: 2009