zestaw do organizacji przestrzeni – zestaw kilku obiektów na wystawę Available Art "kunstschnee"
w Freiraum Museums Quartier MQ, Wiedeń 2007
space organizing kit
– a set of several objects for Available Art exhibition "kunschnee" in Freiraum Museums Quartier MQ, Vienna / A 2007

daleko, dalej – dwa obiekty ze sklejki, 4 x 5 x 1,5 cm / 7 x 12 x 1,5 cm
far, farther – two objects from plywood, 4 x 5 x 1,5 cm / 7 x 12 x 1,5 cm

punkty idealne do rozsiewania w przestrzeni, aby rosła wokół nas / ziarna maku, plastikowa kulka
ideal ponts to seed in the space and to make it grow around us / poppy seeds, plastic ball

oś przedmiotu Leonarda da Vinci – autonomiczna linia konstytuujaca przedmiot – linia do swobodnego kształtowania / zwój drutu
Leonardo da Vinci's axis of the object – autonomus line that constitutes objects – line for free shaping / wap of wire

samo-rozwijająca się perspektywa – weź zamach i rzuć / włóczka
self-unreeling perspective – swing and throw / thread

cień koła / koło z pianki o średnicy 20 cm
shadow of a circle / foam circle of a diameter 20 cm

Space Organizing Kit is ment to be a conceptual work referring to the notions which are fundamental for visual art. This is also an attempt to translate these notions into the system of conventional signs which are given the form of objects.
The kit to organize space from the cycle “Natural History of Geometry” is a project about space and our space awareness.
the full version of a kit consist of the following elements:
- far, farther
- ideal points
- da Vinci's axis of the object
- self unreeling perspective
- shadow of a circle
- blue book
- decide where u reside: fictional space, transitive space, physical space
- end & beginning -cube to throw and mark where u are